ZX-1 Aluminum Alloy Mini-ITX Case

Industrial Design
Designed by Zhao-X
类别 电脑周边
日期 2020年
任务 市场调研,产品设计,包装设计
好的“物品”需要满足舒适、耐用,并能融入到生活环境中,得益于我们对机箱的多项创新设计和对外观的重新定义,ZX-1 简约的设计节省了宝贵的桌面空间,同时为创作者提供了工作站级的性能。外形设计基于铝合金挤压式一体外壳,保证了外观的一体性。磁性侧板和顶盖的设计,方便安装和系统维护。通过改变中板的位置 ZX-1 分为 9.2L 风冷版 10.6L 水冷版两个版本,可以满足不同人群对性能和体积的需求。
Good "objects" need to be comfortable, durable, and fit into the living environment, and thanks to our multiple innovative chassis designs and redefinitions of appearance, the ZX-1's minimalist design saves valuable desktop space while providing creators with workstation-like performance. The shape design is based on the aluminum alloy extrusion housing to ensure the unity of the appearance. Magnetic side panels and top cover design, easy installation and system maintenance. ZX-1 is divided by changing the position of the middle plate 9.2L air-cooled version 10.6L water-cooled version two versions, can meet the performance and volume needs of different people.